Proco Rat (original) build report

Started by 343 Salty Beans, June 04, 2006, 11:52:46 PM

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343 Salty Beans

After several weeks of laziness and business combined (I'm a high school senior, the last few weeks have been hell, doncha know) I finally rehoused my first pedal project ever, a Proco Rat which got screwed up when I tried to put it in a funky box...specifically, an old fender amp footswitch. So I bought a hammond 1590B and now it works pretty dang well.
The overall sound is nice...but I heard a complaint about this before when someone else built this: The filter knob doesn't make any noticable difference when I turn it. Is that normal for this build? (I used a vero layout that was posted a few months back).

Now I can get back to my Bazz Fuss, Trem Lune, and AMZ Mosfet Booster which have been giving me hard times. My wiring is atrocious  :-[


Hi, the filter definitely does something on all the commercial rats, you might check and see that the .0033 cap is connected to ground, and that the filter pot is indeed acting as a 0-100k variable resistor in the signal path.  you can check your layout against the tonepad schematic:

Oh yeah, check if the cap is the right value too.

343 Salty Beans

Now the filterpot works a little, but it seems like it's very very subtle. Am I correct to assume that the .0033cap is the cap I can experiment values with to get more tonal difference when I adjust the filter pot?


The tone control works fine for me, going from all of the frequencies on on side (loads of treble) to just the bass on the other.

I prettymuch followed the GGG project (though I built the thing on perfboard)

.0033uF = 3.3nF