deamplify or dampen line-level to signal level

Started by effbiae, June 09, 2006, 12:42:14 AM

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i want to put line-level (say, line-out of my stereo) into my amp (rhodes electric piano amp -- similar to guitar amp) which takes signal level (microphone/guitar level). 

i) do i simply put a resistor in series to reduce the signal?
ii) do i simply put a larger resistor in series if i take the headphone output instead of line-out?




What you need is a "re-amp box". It could be described as an inverted DI box.
"Where's the paper bag that holds the liquor?
Just in case I feel the need to puke." - Silver Jews


A simple potential divider would do the trick - you could use a pot to vary the level.  I see no reason why this should not work as the output from your stereo will be relatively low impedance.  Be careful with disco stuff through your amp though as it could do some severe speaker damage if wound up too high.

May be something like (apologies for the crappy line drawing):

The 200K could be anything really, I've only put it in to allow you to limit the output when the pot is "full up".

                                                    | |   100K log pot (linear would do though)
                                                    | |
                                                    | |<--------o
                                                    | |
              o----------------------------------------- -o