schematics and layout design Q&A

Started by markm, June 22, 2006, 11:39:52 AM

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Hi fellas,
As some of you know or, perhaps you don't know,
I have been reading up on this forum and GEO + AMZ about
learning to read schematics and design my own layouts.
It is really becoming easier for me to understand the mystery of
schematics and I have designed a couple of my own layouts using
some of the Drangonfly schematics.
My question is;
When beginning to design a layout from a schematic, do you
go from the input of the circuit and work your way through or do you
start from the discreet components or op-amps and work your way
out from there?
I've done it both ways but, which do you guys prefer?
Thanks for the help and encouragement you fine gents have given me.


I've goofed with this some, but nowhere near enough.  I use an empirical, "fly by the seat of the pants" approach.  Experienced layout guys would no doubt snicker derisively at my PCBs.

1) I bring in any components that have a fixed configuration and place them roughly as they appear in the schematic (to the extent possible).
2) I lay out pads and temporary traces to connect discrete components in the circuit.
3) I lay out traces between resistors, etc and op amps or transistors.
4) When I have all components connected, I fatten pads, shorten/move/reconfigure traces, and thicken traces as much as possible.

My layouts (the few I've done) look an awful lot like the schematics they come from.

(Hides behind old umbrella)  You may begin with the flames and rotten fruit now.


i start with active components and power rails.