reverse wiring on tone pot?

Started by nag hammadi, June 20, 2006, 08:20:41 PM

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nag hammadi

this is an odd one.  feel free to call me a moron.

i just made another version of the bsiab II:

i wired it up and was testing it out, and i discovered that i had wired the tone pot in reverse.  the middle wire is the same, but the two outer ones were switched.

this has the effect of a "vox like" mothion, where the left of the dial is treble and as you turn it up, it gets more bass.  basicly it works in reverse of normal.

my question is:  is this hurting anything?  am i loosing any frequency response?

in the face of you all i stand defiant - subhumans


It's not hurting anything, except maybe your sanity.  :icon_biggrin: Just swap the two outer wires & you'll be okay. Unless you have any of your tone caps mounted directly on the pot, you'll just swap it from reverse to normal. Freq response & such is the same either way you wire it.

For further info, check out RG's article "The  secret life of pots." at Look in Tech Tips.

nag hammadi

i actually think i want to leave it!  i think it is kinda voxy and cool. 

as long as it is not doing anything wierd, then i think it stays.

strangely enough, it is being shipped to australia.  the water swirls the opposite way down the drain down there, so this should fit right in!

on a side note, i used all 2n5457's and no j201's on this one.  more transparent gain i think.

in the face of you all i stand defiant - subhumans


Of course, you'll have to wire all of the pots backwards for down under.  :icon_twisted:

I haven't done the bsiab yet, but it's on the list...

nag hammadi

cool pedal.  what i end up with isn't really a bsiab, per se, but it is built up around that board.

the straight up bsiab is flippin sweet though.   my first one was a bitch, but i have done 6 or so now (variants, not the "real" thing so to speak).  very cool circuit to build on.

i have been toying with adding a clean control like the sparkle drive has...
in the face of you all i stand defiant - subhumans


I think all this will do is alter where in the throw the frequecy changes occur.
According to my theory anyway ;)


Oh yeah, log pots.... totally forgot about that. Duh.