help, easyvibe not working

Started by Marcos - Munky, September 25, 2004, 10:02:00 AM

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Munky,if you are going for a completely new build ...why not the NeoVibe?.

Marcos - Munky

I have everything to build the Easyvibe, but I will take a look in the Neovibe.


Marcos -
Making a whole new PCB sounds like a lot of work. Why don't you sharpen your tracing skills a little bit and "trace" Willie's layout against my schematic? It's easier than a new tracing because you already have a layout and a schematic, all you have to do is relate one to the other. You know where the input/output wires go, all you have to do is follow the signal agains the schematic.

Print out my schematic and Willie's layout, then use one of those yellow highlighter things to mark off lines on the schematic and traces on the layout until you have it all identified. It really shouldn't take over an hour, and that's shorter than making a new board.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


before you do anything, try it with a fresh 9v.  Mine died completely with a low voltage not sure if 7.5 is enough for it...

Marcos - Munky

Thanks for the tips. I don't have any problem to make another PCB (well, there's one, your layout have thin traces, but a knife will help to do them). And I think it will fit inside the boxes that I like to use (there's a pic of one in my site). Aharon built one using the Willie's layout, and it works. I will try it with a new battery and with a power supply.


Anyone have a copy of Willies layout?
(and willing to re-post it)


Hi Marcus,
Based on your voltages, I'd guess you have an error somewhere in the power section.  You should have roughly 1/2 V+ on pin 2 of your 1st OA and at where the diodes & caps come together in the power supply - this is your bias voltage.  If the voltages coming out of there (about +9V at the top and about 4.5V at the bias) aren't right, it won't work.   Also check that you used 0v or the "-" of the battery for ground.  Look for backwards diodes & caps and shorts.   Have you found the "debug" JPG floating around on here? It's useful even tho he used different OA's.

I find it a lot easier to debug the 'prototype' of what I do rather than rebuild; at least that way, you gain a good knowledge of the circuit and what everything does!  Good luck

MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...

Marcos - Munky

Thanks for the suggestion. I got that debug jpg. I'm out of time because of the college, but will be on vacation in 2 weeks, so I will have more time to spend with effects, then I will try to debug it.