Very Quick Opamp Question

Started by tcobretti, July 03, 2006, 12:13:11 AM

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I'm building a Mayer Mongoose, and I don't have a LM308.  I have a 741, a 4250, and a 5534.  I have read that a TL071 isn't "compensated" and so doesn't require the 22pf cap between pins 1 and 8, which a LM308 does require.  Are my opamps compensated and how would I figure this out for myself?  I read the data sheets, but was unable to figure it out for sure.

Thanks very much, guys.



often the term "general purpose op-amp" means that it is internally compensated ... have a look at the IC schematic - if you see a cap in there (like C1=30pF in the 741.pdf) then it's an internally compensated op-amp ...


Thanks very much for the help.


I have a question.  If lets say the schem calls out for a comp btwn pins 1 and 8 for a 308 and instead you used a 741 and added the cap btwn pins 1 and 8 would it hurt, help or not matter?  On the 741 it looks like pin 8 isn't used and pin 1 is some null thingy.


That brings up the question that I forgot to ask: if no compnsation cap is needed, should I put in a jumper where the cap was?
