"The Pipe" Phaser.

Started by somasix, June 30, 2006, 01:23:19 PM

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Found this audio file of "The Pipe" Phaser.  Anyone know anything about this unit?  It sounds awesome.



"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


That sounds really cool!
I'd shure like to have one of those!


Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


It does take awhile to load, esspecially with a slow modem connection, but it's a good one.  What amazes me is that there seems to be very little information about this model online.  So far all I've dug up is this and some brief mentions on the electro-music.com forum.  Was this a modular synth phaser like the small rack MXR?  Speaking of that, has anyone owned or heard one of those?


It's either a transistor or diode ladder phase shifter.  The schematic, sans the real nitty-gritty, can be found here:


The 'nitty-gritty' of the circuit was potted, and is shown on the schematic only as potted modules.  I think it was a kit sort of thing back in the '70's.

Who knows, maybe extending the Quadra phase shifter another six stages might get you there.



wow... although transferring schematic to breadboard on THAT scale is a bit above my head, the design seems cool and I KNOW it sounds cool ... and that Vocoder Kit that Anderton was demonstrating is only $139...:)

Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


Yeah, I know.  I'm going to have to finish my 4ms project first, before I can bite off anything really over the top.  I don't know about you, but I'm thinkin', maybe Christmas vacation.  Thank the gods, I'm working so much right now, I don't even have time for the above mentioned project, or research.  But this one will definitely give me a reason to buy a breadboard.  I might want to team up with other on this, sort of a community, simultaneous build.  Any takers? 

By the way, thanks for the link to the schematic and instructions DIYFreaque.  Much appreciated.  Uh, what do you mean by potted modules exactly?


I built "The Pipe". I have a couple of pictures & the advertisement from CFR Associates (out of business) at Photobucket.com


Had also posted previous information about "The Pipe" & the PD-10 modules (black rectangular modules on the PCB photo)


My unit is no longer working - but sounded great while it did.


Looks great jimbeaux.  I had a feeling it was a synth-style, modular rack.  The phasing on the demo record sounds so good.  Does it measure up in real life?  Have you run a guitar through it? 

It's a very handsome build, by the way.  It's great that it's still around.


which 4ms are you building? The Phaser Fleur is my next one from them...
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


Yeah, the Phaseur Fleur with lots and lots of mods.  I have a feeling it's going to take all summer to get it perfect.  I haven't haven't even populated the first board yet.  By the way, where do I get those rectangular LED's?  There's a guy on eBay with LED's that are round, but with a flat top, anyone know if those would work?


Somasix - I did use "The Pipe" with guitar & it definitely sounded good. It did everything that's on the audio file plus some.

It was a little noisy - crackling & popping - but wasn't that bad.

The poster talking about the "potted modules" is referring to the PD-10's.

Although this unit borders on sounding like a flanger - it still never looses the phasing (doppler) quality - and I found it having a more natural sound than any flanger that I've used. It had a really good "chorus" sound also.

I have been tempted to build a voltage control phase shifter & voltage control flanger - hook them up in series - using the same LFO source - and see if I could get close to some of the sounds I used to get with the Pipe.


I'm always disappointed by the way progress makes some many great ideas obsolete.  Progress hurts my feelings. 

Why do you think "The Pipe" died, Jimbeaux?  I wish you luck should you pursue you voltage control phaser and flanger.