Green Ringer issues...

Started by alltherightpills, July 01, 2006, 10:13:21 PM

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So I'm working on building a Green Ringer for my brother, using the layout from GGG (  I'm building on perfboard, which is how I do all of my builds.  I've even built this circuit twice before, and both of those pedals worked perfectly on the first fire up.  This one is giving me some trouble, though. 

It powers on fine, and passes signal, but it just sounds like its boosting the signal...not adding any octave effect.  I've taken my coffee break and come back for some troubleshooting, but to no avail.  My DMM is still out of comission, so I can't post voltages to aid in troubleshooting here.

Any suggestions as to where I should look for a problem?


Is the ouput coming out of the emitter of the last tranny?
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Sure is...output is from the emitter of the last trannie, through the .1uf cap, and out of the effect.


Weird. I had this problem with GR, but I found I had a lifted pad and the output cap wasn't making contact...I'm sure you've checked for obvious stuff like that. Strange, I don't know what else it could be off the top of my head. Post a photo if you can, someone might be able to spot something right away.

I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Like you I perf board all my DIY's and I built the G.R. and had the same problem.  As simple as this circuit is it still took me 3 weeks working on and off to finally get it working.  I almost gave up until I studied my solder joints under a bright light and magnifying glass.  Yep,  cold solder joint AGAIN.  I know it sounds crazy but since this circuit is so simple I would bet that's the problem.  Especially since perf boarding is notorious for solder problems.

alltherightpills were right, oldrocker.  I just went through and reheated all of the solder joints, and found a connection that was not being made.  It was hidden, but the reheat made it quite obvious.  A little extra wire to make the connection, a little more solder, and problem solved.   :D

Thanks for your help, guys.


Glad it's working. How are you liking it?
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


This one seems to sound dirtier than either of the other two Ringers I've built.  But, as usual, it sounds most 'octavey' on higer output (HB) pickups in the neck position. 

I like it, and moreover, I think this one (being dirtier) will fit really well into my brother's sound.


The G.R. with some overdrive and power double bar chords sounds absolutely HUGE.