Correct Diode for Red Llama?

Started by csmatt45, July 05, 2006, 02:58:59 AM

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I've seen 1001, 1004 (2n). Does anyone know for sure. Are you around Mr. Huge?

I've built this with a socket and have a 1001 in. It's a very unique sounding circuit, very "spongy" in a good way. Sort of gave my old fender a VOX vibe, but unlike anyother OD. I'm just wondering what the "true" sound is. I just built it on a whim, and have nothing to compare it to. Any adjecictive-filled description from you folks who've built it is welcome.




make that (1n....);

use any diode - this component,
and the large electrolytic cap
are the only 2 parts that won`t change the sound
when other values/types are used.

Mark Hammer

The diode is not part of the audio circuitry.  IT is simply there to make sure you don't fry anything with a battery.  Just about any silicon diode will probably work.


I have built many of these....My friends and people on e-bay that I sold one to love it!!! It is really an..... Anderson Tube Sound....circuit...Been out there a while...The thing to do is make a fet-booster and add that on the front and play around with the pots and resistors in the feedback loop make the 1meg a 470K and change the pot to a 500K and add a 270k resistor in series, instead of a 100k...Confusing ..SORRY .. You really dont need all that gain with a booster in front...The HOT HARMONICS is cool trick too..Though you really only need two of the fets in the 4049.. ::)

Build many of these, everyone loves them... and the  Red Llama sells on e-bay for 500 smackers :o :o :o

These to me are the best sound for the least parts and the added booster in front is a real Hot Tube like distortion!!!!!!