Can someone please Help me?

Started by coreybox, July 12, 2006, 06:45:30 PM

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Sorry to ask, but given this schematic

Could you please look at a picture of my breadboard (download here...sorry for the wait, its big http://*****/boost%20help/DSC00370.JPG) and tell me what is wrong with it?  Is there some connection i have wrong?  The guitar signal is not coming through at all, but i get loud hum (which may just be because the 'test' jacks im using are not grounded).

thanks for your time


ground those jacks!!!

and double check the pinout of the mosfet


Having both of your jacks connected to ground (and therefore eachother) completes the circuit.  You won't get anything out of it unless both are grounded, and I definately don't see grounding wires for the jacks.  Attach leads to both of the jacks, put them into a row right next to your ground row (with the 3 green leads, 1 yellow, and 1 resistor lead) and them jumper the 2 together.  That should at least complete the signal circuit.

What is it?  And also, what is the silver thing in the middle?? Ultraterrestrial - Just doing our little part to make new rock go where it should have gone in the late-90's, instead of the bullshit you hear on the radio today.


The silver thing was a led, just to make sure that the power was running correctly.  Yeah, i grounded the jacks, still nothing.....but it was the pinout. Here is the data sheet, that i just looked up after reading the first reply here (thanks). Seems i thought the drain was the opposite of what it was.

thanks guys

burnt fingers

That's a great little booster I'm glad you got it working.  I've built a couple of those myself.

Where did you find that schem at? the one I have is very old school done with dot's and dashes in a text doc

Rock and Roll does not take a vacation!!
My Music


Quote from: burnt fingers on July 12, 2006, 11:50:55 PM
That's a great little booster I'm glad you got it working.  I've built a couple of those myself.

Where did you find that schem at? the one I have is very old school done with dot's and dashes in a text doc


hmm ... it might be improved with some "noiseless biasing."  see R.G.'s article Mod your Mu-amp/Minibooster.  R.G. suggested it to Joe Kramer recently for a project of his and it was a big improvement. 

it's a nice trick to know about.   it shows up in Jack Orman's AMZ mosfet booster.
