BSIAB II - Tone wheel affects pedal output

Started by gustav.ydenius, December 03, 2012, 02:45:45 PM

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Hi! A while back I bought the BSIAB II from It works, and sound the way it should. There's one pretty annoying problem though, the tone wheel affects the pedal output. When turned to zero the pedal is dead silent, and when turned to the max the output is redicilously loud. It does however also affect the tone of the pedal. As of right now I have to compensate every move on the tone pot with the volume pot. I tried to look for errors with an audio probe, but I'm not really sure what to look for.

Grateful for all the help I can get!




And we all know what happens when Caps start putting shirts on!  :P



Is it possible that the cap itself is shorted? I've checked the soldering and it looks just right. If thats the case, can I switch the original film cap with a ceramic one? Or would that compromise the performance? I got a few of those at home so I could switch it right away.


I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Quote from: gustav.ydenius on December 03, 2012, 09:22:51 PM

Is it possible that the cap itself is shorted? I've checked the soldering and it looks just right. If thats the case, can I switch the original film cap with a ceramic one? Or would that compromise the performance? I got a few of those at home so I could switch it right away.

Well, there is a discussion about capacitor type and their affect on sound and I think that ceramics and electrolytics are considered more lo-fi than others.
However, a busted cap is always worse than a working one. Change it and see if that's your problem.

You can always change it later, if you feel the need.


Quote from: PRR on December 03, 2012, 06:19:23 PM
C10 is shirted.

I changed C10 on the pedal, but the problem, if yet slightly improved still remains. Now I get a small amount of output with the tonepot turned to zero, but it's a huge difference when I turn it to max where it's really loud. I don't know if it's supposed to be this way, I mean the tone literally cuts the high end off and in theory the signal should drop a few dB's? But that's not the case of my other pedals whom remains the output level regardless the tone position.

Could it be any other component that has gone bad?


pictures of the pot wired to the board would help