EA tremolo: proposed offboard layout

Started by dacaumodo, July 30, 2006, 06:45:38 AM

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Hello guys

If someone has a spare 5 minutes... could you tell me if this layout looks alright? I used the layout proposed on runoffgroove (by Pablo De Luca - I hope I am not breaking a rule by proposing my "version" of his layout... otherwise please tell me and i'll remove) as a basis, and added true bypass with led switching.

My main doubt concerns the "ground" wires: jamming four of them in a single hole seems a lot... but there might be a better way? As you must have understood by now, I am a beginner.

Finally, if this looks too ugly but if a "complete" layout is of interest to some users here, I can try and make a better version .


that looks OK, you don't need to jam all the ground wires into one hole though. So long as all the ground wire are connected together it doesn't matter where you do it.
You could connect all the grounds together at the DC jack, thats what I do. You can also wire the ring of the input jack to the ring on the output jack, then connect a wire from the ring of the output jack to where ever you want the ground wires to meet. That way you only have 3 wires instead of 4.


Thanks a lot slacker. I'll do as you advise.


adding extra holes on the pcb ground strip is another way of grounding...that way you can easily connect grounds from your switch, jacks, etc direct to the board...

it'd be easy to do this by adding them ineach corner of the pcb....


newbie builder

I used to ground everything off the board, but I've found I get a MUCH neater build if I connect one ground wire to a jack and ground everything else off that jack. More tight wiring and less wires around the board make for a slightly cleaner build. I'd just connect any pots that need to go to ground and one jack..


Thanks a lot for your help guys.


OK I've done an "improved" and clearer version, trying to apply some of your tips... Does this look good?


newbie builder



Exactly - this is an application of what I learnt on the GGG site. I should have mentioned it. I have now.

Thanks for the feedback,
