Expression pedal for EA Tremolo: another question...

Started by dacaumodo, August 06, 2006, 05:23:18 AM

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I'd like to control speed on the EA tremolo (as yet not built) with an external expression pedal. I only want the exp pedal to "bypass" the pedal's speed pot when plugged, so I can also use the trem without an expression pedal. Slacker kindly reviewed my wiring diagram and corrected me (thanks again). But then I reread the Geofex article ( and I'm not so sure anymore, since yet another wiring is suggested. Can you guys tell me which of the following two wiring diagrams is correct, or the most suited to what I want it to do?

And finally: do I need a STEREO expression pedal for this to work?



  I think you need to start with a 3 lug switching jack.
  When a plug is pulled/inserted, a second *parallel to wiper contact touches/doesn't touch the *tip connector/springarm of the jack.
  Jack's vernacular is lacking here...sorry.
  At any rate a switched jack can be used to break one end of the internal pots connection.
  The jack also runs the exp pot V/R from it's ground through the tip, then to the circuit, when plugged in.
  Check GEO, I know there's good stuff there, or try to draw a diagram utilizing a jack that can 'finish connecting' the exp pot and disconnect one side of the internal pot.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks a lot Pete. With your help, Slacker's and Brian's at ROG, I should be on the right track now. Perhaps I'll propose a subject to be posted in the schematics section when I'm finished and have checked everything. I'm certainly not the last (nor the first) newbie who'll want to add and exp pedal to an effect....
