all n00bs MUST read this!

Started by jonathan perez, August 02, 2006, 11:39:24 PM

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jonathan perez

i strongly suggest you use the SEARCH button and links on top of the page, or google if you must. if FOR SURE you cannot find a schem or layout, cant get the darn thing to work, (or you're just lazy  ::) ) , then ask.

there is so much information in this forum, it can be a very confusing and "lonely" place if you do not understand how to "work it."

do you see all those links on top of the webpage? such as "diy faq", "geo faq," and so forth? USE THOSE LINKS BEFORE ASKING! you may find what youre looking for right away.

can't get your TUBESCREAMER to work? check out the "what to do if it doesnt work" thread, or use the SEARCH button.

welcome, and enjoy the way, be sure to thank Aron for this site whenever you get the chance/get the information you need...  ;D
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...