ROG Condor layout (Torchy vero version)

Started by phazerz, August 05, 2006, 11:34:34 PM

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Hi everybody :-)
I've recently built the condor with Torchy's vero layout version..
Somethings seems strange for me : there is one 3n9 cap more and two 22k less than on the ROG perfboard layout.
There is also a 100uF cap that I don't see on the original...
Somebody could help with this ?
I'm starting a big project in a XXL Hammond box : Booster/peppermill/external loop/supreaux/profTweed/Thunderchief - >Tonemender/SSS/Condor....
'Talk about that later...
Thanks for any help and for sharing all these beautyfull analog circuit !


There should be a text file accompanying the layout. I made subtle changes to improve the sound when I was using it.

The voltage divider for Vref uses 10k resistors instead of 22k
The 1nF cap to ground off U2A pin3 is 3n9 instead of 1nF.


Thanks for your answer Torchy !

Could you explain your mods soundwise ?
I really want to understand this circuit perfectly as I want to mod it the way i like.
Thanks for the good work !