Looking for world's simplest wah-wah schematics.

Started by andrewnitch, August 06, 2006, 12:00:12 AM

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I am still a beginner and though I've tried two projects, i failed both. Does anyone have the schematics for anything that sounds anything remotely close to a wah-wah that I could try that might be somewhere in my league?

jonathan perez

no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


yep...its on another part of the site but it wasn't getting any traffic when I last checked on it.

Jack Collins

As far as wah wah goes, I don't think there is anything simpler than a crybaby, at least not
if you want a decent sound.  Wah wahs are not very easy to build.  Not electronically
but mechanically.  If you just want to do it as an excercise, I'd recommend buying a
cheap used dunlop for the shell and pot and build the circuit board yourself.

Do a google search for crybaby schematic.  I'm sure Aron has it on his site too.

What projects have you tried and failed at?


One of them was the beginner project on this page.  I can't remember where I got the schematics for the second one.

jonathan perez

how did you fail? why did you decide to give up?

could be some simple transistor problem, could be a misplaced resistor.

no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


Correcting your mistakes might be an excellent way of learning, I believe is non-sense to give up. And if you give up with one project, re-do it, that same one and comprae

bye bye



go look up the "Twin-T Style wah" in the "The Techonology of Wah Pedals" on http://www.geofex.com, probably a bit easier than the classic Crybaby/Vox style ones, however, the sound is not the same.

Morley also have a bunch of pedals with that setup (they have schematics on their website), but with an opamp based setup instead of transitors.

Paul Marossy

ColorSound inductorless wah. IMO, it doesn't get any simpler than that.


go to circuit snippets. there are a lot of wahs in there, really simple, like the idiot wah, and others, that use ldrs, and you can try without the mechanical aspect of general whas.