Question about connecting soldered points..

Started by guyg, August 06, 2006, 03:30:24 PM

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I soldered all the parts into a PCB, I conneced them all using all the caps and resistors legs I cut off during the soldering..
I just found that it's not a good Idea... is it? any chance it will work anyway?

Thanks :S

Is there any other way to connect the soldered points except taking little wires between them?


I soldered all the parts into a PCB, I conneced them all using all the caps and resistors legs I cut off during the soldering..
  Not sure I understand this.
I just found that it's not a good Idea... is it? any chance it will work anyway?
  If the connections follow the schematic and all the values are correct [and nothing else goes wrong] it has to work.
Thanks :S

Is there any other way to connect the soldered points except taking little wires between them?

  PCB means 'printed circuit board' the traces on the bottom of the board, the 'artwork' is what interconnects all the parts/pieces...
  *IIUC you've added wires to the existing traces on the bottom of the board?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Here is the picture, sorry for the bad quality..

It's the soldering and the connecting wires.


cant' see that pic, at least me.. got a link to it??




That PCB looks like the generic type, known as 'perf board'...if so (all little holes, none connected), then your approach should be fine.....provided all connections are mechanically secure and well-soldered!   I do stuff that way all the time, it's called 'point to point', or PTP.     Like said above, this is ok as long as parts are connected right and are the right values.....
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...

Gilles C

Quote from: guyg on August 06, 2006, 03:30:24 PM
I soldered all the parts into a PCB, I conneced them all using all the caps and resistors legs I cut off during the soldering..
I just found that it's not a good Idea... is it? any chance it will work anyway?

Thanks :S

Is there any other way to connect the soldered points except taking little wires between them?

You mean you soldered the components on a perfboard and used the caps and the resistors legs instead of wire to connects the legs of the parts that needed to be connected together. It's ok. But you can also bend the legs of the caps and resistor under the perfboard without cutting them first. You cut them if they're too long once connected to the other parts.

Like this.

But I don't use perfboards very often. You should try stripboards someday.


Connoisseur of Distortion

you acted exactly as you should. with perfboard, you use leads to connect all of the parts. that's the only way, aside from placing the leads close enough to solder one part to the next!  ;)