Boss cs-3 mod problems

Started by sonic66, October 15, 2005, 07:17:19 AM

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Its been awhile since i've tried to build something so i decided to mod something

Decided to try modding my cs-3 compressor sustainer - with film caps to make it quiter  - now 've just got a sustainer.

i swapped the caps in c4 and c17 on the pcb  but now the attack control doesnt function any more

- replaced the original caps but still no go

the traces appeared to have be broken somewhere throught the process - though ive tried to fix it, scraping back the copper to make fresh contact.

What can i do now to fix it? could anything else be likely to cause this.

As a clean boost with 'sustainer' its fine but  zero compression .......   

I could try repair it or just use it as is

or prhaps try to mod this further ?   

turn this into an over drive overdrive using the now spare pot? :icon_rolleyes:

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I have broken traces before, the best methos I have found is to bend a component lead and solder it to the existing component leads that the trace joined, perhaps bending it in the shape of the trace.

Failing that, check the "what to do when it doesnt work" thread.
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Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


What i mean is that i fixed what appeared to be broken traces by scratching back  to  copper and resoldered

- i checked it with a meter and there is no open circuit near the parts that were swapped out then back.

i'm wondering what else could be the problem

could i have fried the caps, or any of the ic's further along  the line of the trace ?

I was wrong in my decription bout zero compression ...

when the sustain control is at max  there is some obvious compresssion.

It lacks that thin squishy compression as provided by the attack control at max - which is good but doesn't really substitute for having an attack control

does anyone have a crcuit diagram or can tell me whether i should / could replace one of the ic's

what area relates to the attack control.

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I  put the CS-3 away for awhile now , and have come back to it.

Decided to take out the  1uf cap near ic2a  and connect it directly , and i've got back functionality of the attack control.

Theres a little bit of a strange swell at attack at the full left position, but overall it sounds better than i remember it ,

sounds fullerand less thin....

what does this cap  c6 do?
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