Personal Amp (Muffin Man)

Started by oldrocker, September 25, 2006, 09:05:21 PM

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After getting a successful breadboarded Ruby slash Muff Fuzz I perfed both circuits together and built a personal practice amp.  You can toggle on the Muff Fuzz or play clean.  There's also a speaker jack if I want to plug into a speaker or amp with the unit.  Volume knob is mounted on the side.  I used one of my wifes cigarette containers which even has a belt clip built in on the back.  There's a divider inside that the 9 volt battery slips right into.  It's like the cigarette container was made for it.  Works great.

Gilles C

I like it. And well done.

I have an headphone amp that I wired not long ago, and was thining of putting it in a box. You reminded me of a cigarette box I have that is waiting for a circuit.

Thanks for posting it.



how does it sound w/ the headphones?


It's sounds great through headphones.  I think it sounds better through the HP than the ext. speaker IMHO. 
The cigarette container I used is one of the extra wide ones.  The smaller standard size ones might be too small to fit everything unless you eliminate the effect part.