Flipster noise issues........

Started by Bernardduur, August 12, 2006, 03:45:44 PM

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OK, I build the Flipster a long time ago and never looked back. The unit is THE way to get MY tone; I love it to death! I used 4x J201's with the FET's biased at 6.8V

But now my issues; there is a lot of noise. Just a lot of hiss (I use the unit with bass at 100%, treble at 75 or 100%, gain at 50% and volume at 75%) that kinda annoys me.

Is there a way to get rid of that hiss? Is it the parts I used (so are some caps / resistors / etc more hiss making then others)?

Oh, btw, I have it with all my basses and when nothing is plugged in, so it comes from the Flipster.

Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


Have mine biased at between 4.5v and 5.5v , could that be the problem .. any "subs" ??
I dont have any noise at all, but used a couple of MPF102's for lower gain  Q1 & Q4
I would suggest trying out several other Jfets to find some "optimum" ones, this has worked
for me on several fet builds.

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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The 4.5V works quite good; no more noise at all.......

Shame is that I liked the tone I could get with the unit at 6.8V....... guess I need to find THAT tone again with these settings.

Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


The amount of "JFet variation" in my Jfet builds is driving me nuts !!
You really have to go through dozens sometimes, to get a nice sounding set!
Try the ROG calculations ( new Fetzer valve ) and use some "closely matched" ones for IDSS etc
I've tried this once ( in my sovtek sim ) and the results were way better :D
You may even get "that tone" back ....

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


The intersesting thing about the new fetzer, was using both source and drain trimpots
I can get the same tones by adjusting drain bias low and source bias higher and vice/versa !
Very cool but kinda "wierd" to my muso brain :D

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


OK..... I have to open this one again!

As I tried it during practise last night, the "noise" is back again. I just didn't push the pedal enough...... so I need to ask the question again.

I guess it is due to the fact I play with my bass and treble all the way up to get that mid-cut sound, but by this boosting the treble so high I get the "noise".

As I stated before, are there any components (as caps for example) that are quite noisy / can create noise when pushed too much

Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account