Anyone Who Knows Anything about the Schaller Bow Wow Yoy Yoy...

Started by Paul Marossy, August 09, 2006, 12:10:07 AM

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Paul Marossy

I have a question. The one schematic that I could find on the web is apparently no longer available, but I pinted it out - and it has one 100K reverse log pot indicated on it. But, I just saw a couple of pictures where there is clearly a dual pot in the pedal, in which case the schematic indicating a single pot is either showing an early version (V1?) or is incorrect.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I'm asking because I built the circuit per the one schematic that I could find, but it doesn't really sound much like what I think it should sound like. This dual pot thing has me really curious now...  :icon_confused:


sorry, I don't have any info. on this, is there any way you could post a schematic or link to one?  I've never seen one and I'd like to give than one a try. 


Hi, Hope this works, this is the inside of a Schaller Wha Wha-Yoy Yoy pedal, it might be the same as the one you have mentioned



I had a problem with a schaller phaser pedal.

So I emailed them for the schematic,and I got

it next day in my inbox.

Greetings JMErnzer
Keep on soldering!
And don t burn fingers!


Paul I sent you some info by regular mail.
You might find it useful.




Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


PM me your E-mail and I'll send you the stuff that schaller sent me
Electron Pusher


Mark Hammer

Quote from: snap on August 09, 2006, 08:56:07 AM

there probably was a dualpot volume plus wah version?
That's what it looks like.  I've had/used two different ones in my lifetime, and I honestly don't remember them sounding any different from each other.  The thing is, I never looked inside them, so I have no idea if they were single or dual-ganged pot versions.

As Paul notes, I don't think I've ever seen a dual-pot schem posted.  Only the single pot version, although from the pictures both have dual inductors..


Quote from: Mark Hammer on August 09, 2006, 10:31:01 AM
That's what it looks like.  I've had/used two different ones in my lifetime, and I honestly don't remember them sounding any different from each other.  The thing is, I never looked inside them, so I have no idea if they were single or dual-ganged pot versions.

*very surprised* :)
22000 pedals, 4000 brands, 350 brand interviews

NAMM 2016:

Paul Marossy

QuoteJust found this with search function of this forum, maybe it is of any help.

Yeah, hilbi, that's essentially the same schematic as the one I have in my wah notebook. (yes, I have an entire 3-ring binder filled with various wah schematics and info!)

QuotePaul I sent you some info by regular mail.
You might find it useful.

Thanks alfalfa! That schematic that you sent me appears to be for a fuzz wah. I bet that is the difference - the dual pot version is a fuzz-wah and the single pot version is the "Bow Wow Yoy Yoy". What do you think?

QuoteAs Paul notes, I don't think I've ever seen a dual-pot schem posted.  Only the single pot version, although from the pictures both have dual inductors..

Yep, Mark, all versions appear have two inductors. But not all versions use a dual pot. As I mentioned above, I think the fuzz wah has dual pots and is marked "wau-wau". All I need to do is verify that...

Paul Marossy

Actually, I've been thinking. I don't think that it's correct to say that the version with a dual pot is a fuzz wah - you wouldn't be able to adjust the amount of fuzz and use the wah at the same time, at least I don't think so. Perhaps the fuzz on/off switch somehow switches which pot is active?

If it were a wah/volume pedal, I don't see why it would need two pots - I mean any other wah/volume pedal that I have seen only uses a single pot. This is rather perplexing...  :icon_neutral:

Paul Marossy

BTTT, just in case someone might have the answer to this mystery...


Well, i had one, and i DEFINITELY CAN TELL YOU, that it uses a single pot and this schemo is correct. In fact, i reverse engineer mine and it was the same circuit.
Hope it was usefull

--Is there any body out there??--

Paul Marossy

Dan N

Here are a couple photos from an ebay sale. No extra parts for a fuzz. Dual pot. I can't figure out where the wires are going and what they are doing...


The photos Dan refers to, show close (but not full) similarity with the inside of my Wha-Wha/Yoy-Yoy. Mine also has a doubled ganged pot. The 8-lugged Marquardt switch actuated by the rocker provides two choices :
- using the pedal for wha/yoy
- using the pedal as a passive volume (no battery needed)

My *guess* is, one deck of the double ganged pot is used as passive volume, and leaving that out would reduce it to a single pot.

Anyways, there appear to exist some different models, and with different names.


Quote from: lvs on August 18, 2006, 09:50:24 AM
Anyways, there appear to exist some different models, and with different names.

Yes, it must be that.
But, i can tell you that mine has 1 pot and it is not a volume pedal. (And the schemo its right :icon_cool: ).

SISKO :icon_cool:
--Is there any body out there??--

Paul Marossy

QuoteThe photos Dan refers to, show close (but not full) similarity with the inside of my Wha-Wha/Yoy-Yoy. Mine also has a doubled ganged pot. The 8-lugged Marquardt switch actuated by the rocker provides two choices :
- using the pedal for wha/yoy
- using the pedal as a passive volume (no battery needed)

My *guess* is, one deck of the double ganged pot is used as passive volume, and leaving that out would reduce it to a single pot.

Anyways, there appear to exist some different models, and with different names.

Well, OK, I think I'm satisfied that there are two versions of the Bow Wow Yoy Yoy - one with wah only and one with a volume pedal added on. That Marquardt switch is a very odd beast! Is it a four pole double throw or something?  :icon_confused:


Did a crude test with a screwdriver... shorting the wiper and ground lugs of the assumed volume pot kills the output of the pedal in volume mode. In wah mode, no hearable effect. (But I have not got good ears.)

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the wah/yoy part of my pedal is similar to Sisko's. Thanks for the diagram btw.