Help with a curious case of the "Blatts"

Started by rosssurf, September 02, 2006, 10:33:01 PM

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I am having an issue with BSIABII into my Little Gem Mark 2. I am getting a blatty sound even when the BSIAB is bypassed, However it stops as soon as I unplug the regulated power running to it. How could this be? What gives? ???


without being an expert i could guess that maybe its been fed with more mA than it needs to start with. if thats not the case then we'll need more info.

1. whats the exact voltage u get from the regulated power supply and is it the one that the stompbox needs?

2. do u plug all of them at the same wall hole?

3. when using battery, does it do the same thing?

thats what i came up with for now.

hope i helped. good luck anyway. waitin for info.


Well, lets have a look. By saying that it happens bypassed or not, well, not that shows that something is certainly amiss (Duh!). Now if it doesn't happen if there is no power (im assuming theres no other source of power), then this shows a number of options:

1. Hum from unfiltered power, etc
2. Some of the in/out wires cross, and there is some crossspeak. To eliminate this, try re-arranging the wires, be as neat as possible - make sure in /out do not cross at all. Maybe route them along the bottom.

Does the BSIAB actually give drive?
Sorry, im not very good at this  :icon_redface: but i'll offer any help!
Also, have you tried it into any other amp, or any othe OD/DS into the Little Gem?



I am using a regulated power supply, and have no 9V battery hooked up currently. It does have a true bypass switch. I will take a look at the wires and see if I can clean them up. I will also try my Fetzer into the little Gem and see if it does it too. Then I will try the BSIAB into a different amp.


from my small experience here i know its always something simple that at the end, when we find out, we feel silly. so i'll recommend some more "obvious" things to do.

1. plug a battery and see if that happens. something tells me it wont.

2. how did u wire the true bypass? read this article

3. dont get upset with it or brake it. it will work at the end. if u get angry, just leave it for a couple of days and then try again.

thats for now. George


Thanks for your tips! I Just got back from my show and it worked fine through my rig. I assume there may be an issue when using it with my 2 watt Little Gem Mark II. I will look into it further tommorow.
Thanks again for your help and the very usefull link.


no problem! whenever u need help am here! if i can help of course ;D! am glad it worked fine! take care!