Liquid Sunshine--Verified Layout

Started by markm, September 10, 2006, 02:35:23 PM

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Hi fellas,
There is now a verified layout for the Subdecay Liquid Sunshine in my Layouts Gallery here;

This is made from the schematic provided by Brian Marshall on this board quite sometime ago that nobody seemed to be able to make function correctly......alas, thanks to Brian Marshall for some updates on the "changes" made to the circuit, I was able to make a functioning layout for it.
Thank You Brian for the help!


Nice job Mark.  Have you tried this out yet and have any soundclips?  Looks cool  ;)


I'm still not equipped for soundclips yet  :icon_redface:
But, it does sound pretty good although, it is very "middy" like a TS.
Alot of people have wanted this layout and it became a challenge for me which is why I completed it (after 4 failed attempts!).
At least now it is done, it all works and I can move one  :icon_lol:
If anybody builds this, be sure to have plenty of JFETs as you really need to find two that work well together.

Brian Marshall

Looks good.  MPF102's sound really good in it if you take the time to find some that will work.  I't supposed to be tubescreamerish.  I always liked the frequency response of a tubescreamer, but always hated the cold feel of it.


Thanks Brian!
It does have that  TS "vibe to it but, it sounds more "real"......a bit warmer.
I think you designed a nice circuit there for sure but, you're right, it does need the "right" pair of JFETs to sound good.
Great job and again, thanks for your help on this!  :icon_wink:

