Liquid Drive wiring clarification

Started by Single Coil, September 26, 2006, 10:53:50 AM

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Single Coil

I am building a Liquid Drive and I'm trying to reconcile the LD schematic with Aron's stompbox switch drawing:

The output from pin one from the opamp goes through the diodes, then after the 0.01uF the next connection is to the footswitch. Then the footswitch out goes to the output Level pot's pin 3 and pin 2 of the pot goes to the tip of the output jack. Finally, pin1 of the level pot goes to the sleeve of the output jack. Is that right?

Basically, it appears that I could wire the pot before or after the footswitch. Now that I think about it going to the Level pot before the the foot switch may make more sense.


The output from pin one from the opamp goes through the diodes,
  for clipping the signal, shunting the peaks clipped to ground.
  then after the 0.01uF the next connection is to the footswitch.
  I believe the volume control pot wiper is the last node before the bypass switching.
   Then the footswitch out goes to the output Level pot's pin 3 and pin 2 of the pot goes to the tip of the output jack. Finally, pin1 of the level pot goes to the sleeve of the output jack. Is that right?
  You say opamp output it pin 1, that path of the signal should be connected to [diodes and clipping LPF Cap, which then connecto ground], then the SP goes to the Volume pot, output [the Volume pot output/circuit output is the wiper lug. Output would go to a bypass switch, then the bypass switch [when in 'on position] would go to the output jack tip.
  Yupp OA Pin 1 goes through a DC Blocking cap > 10k, sees diodes 'n cap that connect to gnd. > into input [pin3] of VC > out of VC output [pin2, wiper]...that'd be the circuit output.
  Notice switch orientation, you can just barely see bottom surface of the lugholes in that pic. with a new switch, if you can sight from the side through 3 lugholes, orientation is correct, if not..looking at bottom, correct by rotating it 1/4 turn.

Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I think the stompswitch drawing is a bit confusing, the Output on the drawing means the output from the whole circuit not really the output from the circuitboard. So in this case the output is from the volume control.

Single Coil

OK, great. Output is from the the pot's wiper. Got it.

What about the footswitch? Is there an up/down to it? I see two ways that it can be positioned such that the terminals are horizontal as in the wiring diagram. I've assumed that both ways are symmetrical. Is that right?


You know for the last 4 builds I have done I have used the following wiring and it worked everytime:

Of course I may just be lucky, but I thinks its a pretty genereric wiring schem.

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because he is afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him"

Single Coil

I may need to try that schematic next time. I think I may have a bad input stereo jack. I have a spare. Hopefully, this last change will get it to work.

What about grounding? Do you run all grounds to the input/output jacks? Do you ever ground to the back of the pots like guitar pots are done?

One more thing: if I understand the anatomy of the stereo jack as I see it in the FAQ section. When the stereo jack is in place in the Hammond box: I will measure 0 resistivity between the box and the sleeve (ground) lug, inserting an electrode into the jack and other on the ring lug will give 0 ohm resistivity, and infinite Ohms will show between tip lug and interior of the jack. Am I getting this right?