Simple Sound Go Round Tremolo Mod

Started by Doug_H, September 25, 2006, 01:08:57 PM

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I was playing with the SGR (chopper-tremolo/faux-echo/repeat) on the breadboard this weekend and came up with a simple mod:

This is so simple you could train a monkey to do it (or design it...). I just added a parallel gain stg and mix pot to add a "blend" control. By mixing the orig signal with the "chopped" sig the SGR becomes a little more flexible and useful in some musical situations. You can dial in subtler, more "conventional" tremolo effects, and, even when doing the faux-echo thing it can be useful to hear the "chopped out" sound inverval (albeit at a lower volume). It's also fun to crank up the volume and drive a tube amp with it for some raw/rippin' sound. (I must have played "Rumble" for 20 minutes straight...)

I like the sound of this but won't build it for two reasons:

1) As with all of these sq wave tremolos, the LFO is just too noisy.

2) With 5 discrete xsistors and a dual-gang 24mm pot, it's going to be difficult (for me) to stuff it in a 125b box.

So I'm trying to simplify it a little. I thought I had it down to a dual op amp and 1 JFET but it was even more noisy. So I'm going to play with gez's "trapezoid" LFO mod (dang, one more op amp stg...). I may get by with a quad.


Quote from: Doug_H on September 25, 2006, 01:08:57 PM
So I'm trying to simplify it a little. I thought I had it down to a dual op amp and 1 JFET but it was even more noisy. So I'm going to play with gez's "trapezoid" LFO mod (dang, one more op amp stg...). I may get by with a quad.

Nope. I got it working last night with 1 dual and 1 JFET. Simple, sounds good and the osc is "quiet enough".