relay problem. led flashes

Started by birt, September 26, 2006, 01:05:47 PM

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i have wired an spdt stompswitch with one of the sideconnections to ground. i also wired a relay and a led/1K in parallel, one end connected to the middle conncetion of the switch, one end to 9V.

now when i push the stompswitch the led flashes just at the time the switch clicks. if i keep it in that position the relay goes crazy and the led flashes. i don't get it.

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Sounds like to me that the stomp switch or how it's hooked up is on only when the switch is engaged. (Pushed down.)  And only on as a momentary for some reason and so the relay is not staying on.  Use a meter to test continuity and or voltage.  If you have voltage across the relay it's open if you don't read voltage it's closed.  Of course make sure you do have voltage from the supply to ground.  Below is a relay circuit I did for a bypass all effects box with a StratoBlaster as a buffer.  I had LEDS in there but they're not shown on the schem.


i tested the switch with a meter and it works as it's supposed to. i disconnected the led/1K and it works now. when it's connected the relay only switches on and off again when the stomp is switching so the middle lug isn't connected to any of the side lugs. i hope i explain this right.
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ok i'm a dumbass. the relay has a resistance of 160ohm, the led has a series resistance of 1K. that's why it only flashes when the switch is hit.
i guess i should put the relay and led in series
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