Where to buy NPN Ge transistors?

Started by Headshot, September 26, 2006, 09:52:34 AM

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Does anyone know where I may be able to find some NPN Ge Transistors for sale?  I have looked for quite awhile and haven't found any.



check that |STORE| link up at the top of the page. :)


I should clarify that I'm looking for a Fuzz Face set.  I can find some singles for Rangemasters, but no sets or pairs.


The Tone God


Small Bear only has singles listed on his site as well.  Will he make a matched set?


The OC140 (NPN Ge) can be had off eBay sometimes or over at Small Bear. I bought some off eBay and originally they were all perfect with just a couple throw aways. The ranges were perfect etc... Then a year later I was testing some for another project and most of the hfe's had drifted drastically from their previous marked hfe ranges. I had a suspicion that maybe airport security x-ray might have caused a rapid degrade of the transistors (over a period of a year). I talked to a friend who is a professor teaching electronics engineering and who holds a PhD in physics and he said the exposure to this type of radiation for any period of time could accelerate the degrading of these types (germanium) of transistors. Just an FYI if your buying from out of the country, you might want to have them mark on the side of the box "Do Not X-Ray" for these new old stock transistors. It may take longer to get your transistors but they are already in a degraded state, some better, some worse. No need to speed that up.

The Tone God

Quote from: Headshot on September 26, 2006, 12:00:54 PM
Small Bear only has singles listed on his site as well.  Will he make a matched set?

Finding matched NPN transistors is tough as they are hard to find in high enough numbers to sort through.
