Funny sweep control on Crash Sync

Started by oldrocker, September 08, 2006, 07:05:17 PM

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This is going to be the most non-conventional LED/LDR control for a pedal in a long time.  I built a Crash Sync a couple of days ago and wanted a foot control for the sweep so I used a cloths pin.  It blocks the light from the LED to the LDR and when you step on the cloths pin it lets the light through.  I know it's silly looking but it works.  I put a little piece of shrink tube over the LED and LDR to block as much room light as possible.

Paul Marossy


Thanks Paul,  It works really good too, believe it or not even when there is light in the room.  I also added a toggle switch with switches off the LED and then you can use the pot to adjust the sweep where you want it.  Since this pedal is just for fun I didn't want to track down a Cry Baby or similar shell just for this effect.  It makes for a good conversation piece too.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Nice1, Oldrocker!
That's the most DIY thing I've seen lately.. in ANY field! Top marks!


Thanks Paul P. I take that as a compliment. :icon_biggrin: I'm not sure if I'll use this for all my foot controller issues but it's nice for a quick easy way to get control over an effect.  I would like to try this for a wah pedal although I might need some sort of light shield over the LED/LDR.  I'll try it without one first and see how it goes.


     yeah, thanks for sharing, that is a really creative take on the DIY foot controller, excellent work!!!!



I love the smell of solder in the morning.


For the light shield on my Crash Sync I used a small mini bread loaf pan. I cut off about a quarter of it and mounted it upside down over the LED/LDR. Then I cut out cardboard and duct taped to the front so I can lift it to adjust the LED and turn the knobs easier. Just more DIYing for ya.

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