AMZ Mosfet building problem

Started by Tamir, September 14, 2006, 12:12:57 PM

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Dont know if this would help or not but I've been de bugging mine
for over a week now and just couldnt figure it out. At first I had no sound
passing thru but good voltages. Miss wire on my part. Finaly got sound thru.
Boost was less than bypass. Checked all connections, pinouts according to a datasheet,
voltages again. Finaly I just flipped the mosfet around thinking maybe I have a diferent pinout.
Viola....massive boost. I think pinout was disscused earlier but I thoght I would bring it up again considering
the data sheet had me all mixed up.



Quotewhen the black lead of MM is on the 3 strip from bottom, and the red is on ground / third strip from top - it beeps, but if I change the order (of the MM leads) it doesnt, same with the first and last strips (9V+ and ground)
If I read right you still have continuity between the groundstrip and the +9V strip ??

Can you find a reason for that ?

Maybe post some detailed pictures so we can have a look.