Converting a cheapo toy sampler into an useful one

Started by nordine, October 17, 2006, 02:08:42 AM

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hi all

i just brought a cheap device called "echo bot", which is a huge plastic eyeball, which samples messages up to 10 seconds

how does it work:
you press a button, then speak to the back of the eye (so your message is recorded through a tiny mic). you release the button and your message is recorded... now, using (i think) an LDR, the "eye" detects changes in light ('movement detector'), and triggers the stored sample

i played a sample through an amp, and the playback bandwidth available surprised me, has lots of bass and reasonable fidelity, which makes it suitable for working on it

now, the question:
how to activate constantly the trigger, so the sample plays over and over again?

would a pulsing led do the trick? ..i've found the detector to be very slow

any ideas?


I actual have a project on hold that is similar to what you're wanting to do. I have a toy sampler that adds effects (echo, pitch, a "warp") to the samples it plays back. What I was able to do was build a simple LFO based on a 555 chip, and put it's signal to the playback switch on the toy. The catch is that the sampler will have to allow you interupt the playback for it to work properly. In other words, if it makes you listen to the whole sample before it will let you repeat it again, then it likely won't work the way you would like it to.

Hope that helps,
God Bless,


Quote from: Jamforthelamb on October 17, 2006, 11:25:51 AM
if it makes you listen to the whole sample before it will let you repeat it again, then it likely won't work the way you would like it to.

hey the oscillator idea is a cool one, i might try it

i, in fact, want it to play the whole sample till repeat... i should have put it better, what i'm intending to do is a looper

thanks a lot