more help with the debugging of my tubescreamer

Started by Kete13, August 17, 2006, 12:53:36 AM

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ok i built a tubescreamer from ggg with the pcb and everything works but the effect.  I posted the voltages under another post help with debugging my tubescreamer or something like that.  The Op amp has the correct voltages but the transistors are wrong.  The Bases are lower than the emitters.  I used an audio probe to try to find the problem and every connection had a sound except for the complete strip that connects to the one post on the level pot(wire 4 from the right in   I have no idea what is wrong with it and would greatly appreciate any help from anyone.  The only replacement parts were a 100pf capacitor substituted for the 51pf capacitor.  This is getting very frustrating.  Thanks for all of the help.


I'm having the exact same problems you are having with my ts808 build don't know if this will help but here is the address from my post they haven't helped me, but this is also my first build


QuoteThis is getting very frustrating.
Welcome to debugging. When I was in your position, I was told that it builds character.

As I said, the bases should be up around 4V or so.

Either (a) your reference voltage is incorrect, or (b) it's not getting to the transistors.

Measure the DC voltage from ground (with the black lead of the DMM)  to both sides of
(1) R2
(2) R12
(3) R9
(4) R13

and post them back. That should tell us which is the problem.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.