Talk about overkill...

Started by ChristoMephisto, October 24, 2006, 10:42:16 AM

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Hey all,

I'm modding my Crybaby, went and ordered a bunch of parts from Small Bear, namley some capacitors for teh sweep mod.
Got caught up in the hype about orange drops and ordered those.
When they came in the mail today, i was stunned, the caps were the size of small horse pills!!!
The 600volts should of tipped me off at first, didn't think of the size til i saw a 100volt cap, and that was the size of a quarter.
Despite the fact its gonna be a bit cramped in the wah pedal, will i have any problems with these massive caps?
Could some suggest better caps (ie electolytic) for future mods? I might save these horse-caps for another pedal-clone



Low voltage film/box caps are what you want here.  Those only get impractically large when you get above 1uF or so, and they're much much cheaper than Orange Drops.

Shouldn't be any problem using the Orange Drops in there.  If you ever plan on doing some high voltage work you might want to save them, though.

jonathan perez

i use them, and theyre not that big.

unless youre talking about .22, then yeah.

but the .01 drop caps i use are fairly small...

ah well.  ;)
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


Good to know.
you say the 1uf is bigger? i ordered a .1 and a .068, and the .068 is way bigger
the six i have seem to get bigger in size as they go down.

thx all


Size of the cap says more about it voltage rating then anything else.
I use non polarzied 1uF/16V box caps which really aren't bigger than a than an electrolytes.
Of course, the bigger the cap, the bigger the price.


LP Hovercraft

MMMM  orange drop!  The 600V ones are darn nifty in tube amps.  That might be why Steve is stocking them.  If you can find them, the 50V orange drops are quite reasonably priced/sized.


  'eye' it across the bottom for clearance.
  As long as you don't exceed the voltage
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

343 Salty Beans

Quote from: petemoore on October 25, 2006, 12:12:34 AM
  'eye' it across the bottom for clearance.
  As long as you don't exceed the voltage


But seriously, I use mylar caps for anything below 1uF. Box (polyester film) caps are really the best if you want to be neat, because they generally fit perfectly on circuitboards and are nicely colorcoded. Ceramics for picofarad values, 16v (or 35v if I'm doing something on an 18v circuit) electrolytics for 1uF and up. Never have used tantalums, monolithics, or silver micas myself.


Yaeh, definatley gonna save these horse-pill-caps
they were on .60 cents each...twice of what I should of gotten...
thz for all your input, after this pedal, its gonna be a techyn parapedal, or a fuzz/octave/vol/wah...
