Boss DM2 Troubleshooting... help!

Started by Logan, October 28, 2006, 03:33:30 PM

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Picked up a Boss DM2... here's story:

    * No Delay until Repeat Rate knob is turned to 12 o'clock. At this point the pedal makes a (boom) sound. As if some component just gets bull rushed with current.
    * Flangy sounding delay, I feel like I'm in a tin can.
    * I do not hear clock noise... but a little distortion.

I think someone played with the trim pots a bit, however they seem "stuck" by the goop. Do I have a blown BBD chip/or component elsewhere? Any ideas? I have a copy of the schematic if anyone wants to take a look?  drop a note with your email addy.

Frustrating that the seller didn't mention any of this!!