Looper routing quandary.

Started by zeronyne, June 04, 2006, 03:14:57 AM

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Hello, everyone.

I'm a relative newbie to DIY, but I am totally addicted. Thanks for all of your great posts. I've learned a ton.

My current obsessions are effects loopers in different configs, but I am completely baffled by my last attempt.

The following diagrams are purely to address routing...I've excluded the grounds and LEDs. Anyway, I know a simple True Bypass box is wired:

And I also have learned that an True Bypass A/B looper (two switch) is wired:

And my latest "A+B in a series" looks like this:

But how in the world does one route the signal when you want the following functionality:

1. True Bypass
2. A/B switch (single switch to toggle between the two loops)
3. Series (switch will route the A return to the B send).

So to reword it, I want 3 switches: Bypass, "A or B", and "A->B"

Schematic anyone? Thanks.


Not really sure how to do that, but this schematic may point in the right direction:
Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808


i made somethign like tihs ages ago... heres what i did..i think.. this was liek 5 or 6 years ago so bare with me... no schem... ull sut have to try to follow me.. theres billions upon billions of ways to wire ABY boxes but here it goes...

okay its INPUT and then a switch to say INTO FX LOOP or OUTPUT like a DPDT standard bypass deal

     1 is the send to the effects loop, 2 is the recieve

          |1 2|
     IN  |3 4| OUT                        SWITCH 1
          |5 6| wire 5+6 together

so now we can switch from signal bypassed or signal into loop

NEXT you want to make your effects switching

----Signal IN---> now you're options here are like this

you can put a switch so its just like the other but sending it to the A loop, then make another to the B loop

so theres a Y split of the INPUT when the effects loop off the original TOTAL BYPASS switch.... now you can pick A, B, or both in parallel...

but say you wanna make your wah fuzzy, or your fuzz wah-y.. then u need series like i believe u wanted

SO now... we can do FX SEND SIGNAL to A (send and receive) for one bypass switch (wired the same as the first.. 1,2 are send recieve....3=in,4=out, 5+6 wired together...)  and then for series AT THE OUTPUT OF THE A FX SWITCHED ON... you could put ANOTHER bypass deal making it so the signal gets sent to B (wired the same as the first.. 1,2 are send TO B recieve FROM B....3=in THE OUTPUT OF A LOOP ON,4=out TO OUTPUT JACK, 5+6 wired together BYPASSING THE RUNNING IN SERIES DEAL...)


so B can be bypassed just like the first (wired the same as the first.. 1,2 are send recieve....3=in,4=out, 5+6 wired together...)

and then if you wanna be real fancy, just cover the mofo in switches and add another switch at the end of the B line like you did the A, so you could run all these options

fx loop

from fx loop, a on/off, b on/off, A then B (a must be on), B then A (B must be on)

that might seem a little complex, get some switches and play with it... i have faith.. :)

i'll try to make a schematic later.. i just dont relaly have any way of posting it


i used one of these once.. if u have 100 bucks just go buy one.. like aron says u know... but if u really wanan try it here.. this is a bad ass little abc box... ANY of them can be used alone or in any combination....




I've made an effects loop switch box like the diagram for the True Bypass A/B looper (two switch), and it works but there's one problem.

When I use it with high gain pedals with the high turned up on my guitar's tone or on the effects tone EQ I get a high pitched squeal.  would I need to do something like put a 100K resistor across the output of the switch box like on the diagram here http://www.morleypedals.com/abces.pdf shows on A, B and C (although I realise that this isn't the same as the switch box I'm trying to get working.

Any help would be great.




from my reading, it would seem you need to ground out the fx send signal when the corresponding loop was not in use. this will help the pedal that is off from oscillating or generating noise...  or perhaps this was not the issue you experienced... good luck!