Trash or treasure part 2 - diodes...can I safely experiment?

Started by skiraly017, November 13, 2006, 01:36:40 AM

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Along with the transistors I got was five pound bag of unsorted diodes. I've begun to sort them visually but haven't gotten around to putting them under the magnifying light to get the value yet. My question is this...I know that if a layout calls for a specific diode that I need to stick pretty close to the needed part, but what about clipping diodes? as long as I have the polarity rght can I safely experiment with just about any diode? Thanks.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson



Most of the diodes don't go below our beloved 9V with the voltage rating.



Try anything.

Hell, I've taken to just randomly wiring any part that shows a junction across the feedback loop of an opamp.

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