Can someone explain triggers or provide a link?

Started by icepot, December 12, 2006, 09:51:20 PM

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i have built a couple of tone generators that i really want to be able to play using a telephone key pad... something a long the lines of a keyboard i guess...
but i have no clue how a trigger of this sort (or any other) works, nor can i find any information on using triggers. last but not least, is trigger even the right word? thank you for the help!


A trigger if normally some sort of pulse that is used to control something. For example a trigger that starts an attack/decay module in a synth when a note is pressed. Or a drum trigger that triggers a drum sound when it's hit.
If you want your tone generators to play different notes when you press different keys then how you do this would depend on how the tone generators are controlled. If they are voltage controlled, ie: different voltages produce different notes then Ken Stone's Mini Keyboard will do exactly what you want.
Without knowing what your tone generators are it's hard to give any more advice.

Hope this helps :)

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Are you trying to use a phone pad so that each key turns on a different oscillator, or are you wnting each key to choose a different frequency of the SAME oscillator?