Electric Mistress -- Cure Volume/Bass Drop by adding booster

Started by kakev, December 18, 2006, 07:54:01 AM

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I own this EHX Deluxe Electric Mistress and I really love the tone but the volume drod really bugs me. Also it cuts bass and makes the guitar tone little thin. I've tried to cure this adjusting the internal trimmers but I can't get unity gain no matter what. It distorts before the unity gain is reached. There's really no alternatives, no boutique clones. The only option as far as i know is to send the pedal to Howard Davis and I'd rather not do that 'cause it would be really expensive to send the pedal overseas. So I thouht to build a booster in the EM and add a volume control outside the box. I've been thinking about the EHX Linear Booster. Those circuit boards are readily available and it's rather simple design. Never tried one so I'm asking your help and advice. Is it transparent enough to be used in this situation? I've read putting diffenrent value cap I could make to boost little bass to cure the low end drop caused by Electric Mistress. Are there better options? Any help is appreciated!

analog kid

Well well, That's just what I was sitting down to do myself. Ironic.
  Even though mine is a handbuilt job ( or both of mine I should say) of the Deluxe / non Deluxe hybrid I still thought I would respond on this thread!  IMO yes you can (and it's the best way to go about it) take care of the vol drop by adding a recovery stage at the output of the effect.  But as far as the "bass cut" I don't think you're going to want to try and "fix" that. I think it's just the nature of the effect of the comb filter for the most part,  you may be able to slightly fatten up the dry audio path JUST A BIT playing with larger cap values  but trying to add low end is just going have way too drastic of an affect on the delay signal and likely affect the notches in such a way that the comb filter won't be as effective any longer (meaning the flanging won't be as natural sounding) and you'll end up just fighting against yourself back and forth trying to get just the right balance of 'retained low end' and 'pleasant flanging'
I don't know though, maybe for the most part I'm just talking out my #ss ; ) !
  I'm trying to decide what booster / gain recovery stage I'm going to use.  boxed in a BB there's only the most miniscule little space I may be able to tuck a little perf board in !
See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there to give it all his might..