what about this idea? has this been done? frequency dependant vibrato

Started by ulysses, January 25, 2007, 09:07:43 PM

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im thinking a vibrato that has 8 configurable effect level knobs, each of which effect a differnt freqency range.

ie, you could have the low end of a signal vibrating alot, and the high end coming through clean..

possible? difficult?




Tremolo or pitch vibrato?

I'm guessing you mean tremolo, but pitch vibrato-ing seperate bands sounds really unique and way too complex to do analog.  Make a neat plug-in, though.

I'd guess you could make the tremolo by feeding LP filtered signal to a tremolo circuit, and then mix that together with HP filtered signal.  I sorta tried that once with a stereo tremolo and a mono mixer w/eq, one channel all lows, the other all highs.  it sounded kinda phasey/vibey.  Good though!  Neat idea.


You know, I am going to try this.  Should be simple enough...I have a full boost and a treble boost.  I'll use a Y splitter (passive for now) to split the signal, and then I'll route one into the treble, and into my EHX Pulsar, and then the other through my full booster and use a cap to suck some treble to ground.  Then mix them back together and see what happens.


Let's just go to the more general.

Like Craig Anderton's Quadrafuzz, let's split the audio spectrum into 4? 6? 8? bands and then have an output for each band that can be processed by whatever, after which it's all mixed back together.

That's the basis of a Vocoder, which uses a voltage controlled amplifier in each of the frequency bands to let the sounds in that band follow the loudness of another audio signal's in the same bands. No reason you can't simply put a whatever effect you like in each band.

Possible? Sure. Takes up a lot of real estate. A simple implementation would use one-opamp bandpass filters for each channel. In fact, the filters from the constant-Q equalizers could probably be used verbatim.

Once you get the filter banks set up, all you need is one effect per channel, and suitable modulation and inter-modulation synchronization for them.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.