Dim LED on Boss CE-3

Started by joelap, January 27, 2007, 11:01:21 AM

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I picked up a Boss CE-3 for cheap because the LED wasn't working.  First thing I did was replace the LED for a high brightness yellow one.  When I plugged it in to see if it worked, the LED lights up very very dim.  So the problem isn't in the led.  I reheated a bunch of solder connections in the areas that connect to the led wires and it still is lighting up pretty dim.  Everything else on this pedal works perfectly.  I was using a 9V DC supply, not a battery.  Any ideas how I could remedy this?


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The CE-3 requires the older Boss ACA power supply which puts out something like 12V (I'm going from memory here since its been a long time since I've seen one).

Boss does not make them anymore.

I'm guessing that you used the newere Boss PSA power supply which is why your LED is dim.

If you search the boards, you can find the instructions for converting a Boss pedal to run on a newer PSA power supply.

Good luck.



You can use a psa (9v) adaptor if you do a quick mod do it (jumper a resistor and diode).
I don't have my bookmarks on this comp so I don't have access to my ce-3 schem, but if you find one I'm sure one of us can help point it out to ya. :)



That's odd about using a Boss PSA style.  I'll try and search for the mod on the forums.  If not, I've got a schematic and I'm guessing I'd need to jump past the Zener and 3.9k resistor.

Another oddity: Using a 9V battery, the LED is bright as all hell.  But there's a significant loss in volume even when bypassed... thought it was my radioshack cables I had, tried a different one with the same result.  Its not there with the Dunlop 9V wall wart.  If the LED lights up no problem after I do the jumper mod, I'll leave it as it is, because I never use batteries unless its a positively ground circuit like a fuzz face.
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