punch tool for square holes?

Started by Rodgre, February 07, 2007, 07:36:50 PM

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I would like to find a reasonably priced punch to make rectangular holes in enclosures to put in a removable IEC AC cord jack. Does anyone know of one that is specifically made for this? I'm trying to cut through a heavy duty military ammo box to make a power supply.

Thanks for any info.



If you find one, it will be expensive. The general answer is to drill small holes around the inside of the cutout you want to make to rough it out, cut with snips or just break out the inner piece with any sharp tool , and then either file it to shape, or do what I do now and get an inexpensive nibbler to square up the hole. I think I got my nibbler at Radio Shack, and it's one of my favorite tools. Use a drop of oil to lube the cutting edge, and line it up with a straightedge to make a clean rectangular hole. I did a steel computer shell with no problem.