Lovetone ringstinger problem....

Started by freakshow__, February 01, 2007, 06:26:09 PM

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hey guys,
   I don't know if anyone if familiar with the ringstinger circuit at all but here goes......I have a lovetone ringstinger that works but the volume of the pedal is very very low. If you turn the blend CCW you get full guitar sound but full CW gets you next to nothing. If you crank the volume on the amp you can hear that the effect is indeed working but it's just very very low. I have tried using an audio probe and have still gotten no solid answer to what could be wrong. I have replaced all 3 TL074 chips with new chips and still....nothing. Does anyone have an idea what might be going on? I assumed an op-amp was blown but after replacing all of them I'm still dead in the water. I have gone over all solder connections and they are good as well. I have e-mailed lovetone and gotten nothing as either!!! Can anyone please give me a hand here?  ???


The Loren switches go bad I have repaired a few Lovetones

Using a meter check the rotary switches


Did you check the switches?

did you read my post?

I fixed a ringstinger that had a vol problem


I did check them briefly....If I touch one(or any) of the center poles on one switch it is always "on" on all of the 12 outer poles. This seems odd to me? Some of the outer poles are connected via traces but all of them giving me signal no matter what poles I touch? I ordered some new switches yesterday so I hope this is the problem? Thanks for helping me though, if this is it I was thinking WAYYYYY too hard I guess!


Almost all the lovetones I have fixed have been switches rotary and foot.  Check the footswitches as well.
One meatball was a chip

The ones I worked on were used on the road And they held up well for the abuse they took.

Very cool well made effects.


I just removed both rotary switches....they seem O.K. I plugged the pedal in with no rotary switches just for kicks and it makes the same low volume noise as before! hmmmm


I've also just discovered that when you engage the LFO switch the green led by the LDR was barely on and not blinking at all with respect to the rate knob. If I stick my finger on the PCB in a certain spot by one of the IC's it lights up bright and depending on where and how hard I push the led starts to blink again and responds to the rate knob. I hate to say it but this pedal has really got me stumped? Anyone know of any other things I can try out? Anyone?