Contact info for Steve Daniels/SBE

Started by lion, February 13, 2007, 04:59:52 AM

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Can someone tell me how to get in contact with Steve Daniels at Small Bear Electronics - prefably via email.
There seems to be no official email adresse on his website.
I've tried mailing him a couple of times on a (not official looking) emailadresse he gave in a post here in december last year - but no replies.

I hope someone can help me, I have a serious inquery on parts for a production run of some custom equipment.

Erik Lion



Thanks ulysses

That email adresse is the exact one I've already tried a couple of times, but I'll give it another try - and cross my fingers.


Mark Hammer

Steve runs what is essentially a 1-1/2 to 2-man operation.  The same guy that has to chase around the globe to get the parts is the same guy who has to help manage/update the web-site, deal with corporate clients and chase after them at NAMM shows, help his wife with shopping and chores (and take her out on Valentine's day), shop for shelving units and install them, deal with his commercial landlord, speak with the accountant, AND answer e-mails.  Somewhere in there he gets to take a vacation on occasion, get the car fixed, put an article together, and maybe even catch a cold when the weather gets weird like it is doing recently.  So, he falls behind on e-mail....but he ALWAYS responds eventually.  Steve has called me from time to time about this very issue over the past few years, and I suspect it will be one he will continue to wrestle with until he is as big as Mouser and has people hired to respond to e-mails and only that.

Uncross your fingers, and be patient.  That is all that is required.


OK, got it - thanks Mark

Patient - fingers uncrossed  :icon_smile: