Isolated 9v Power Supply question

Started by quixzika, February 19, 2007, 11:00:23 PM

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My plan in the future is to build the Spyder power supply.  Truth be told, outside of a few mods to my Valve JR amp I haven't DIYd much electronics.  Very intimidated to do this breadboard thing and make the supply.  So..

My buddie has a few of these RadioShack isolation transformers.  They were like $4 each.  The specs are:   * 600-900 ohms   * 300Hz to 5KHz response * 100 mega-ohms insulation resistance at 250VDC.  They are phone line isolation tx's. 

Anyway- I just picked up a OneSpot cable extension from GC with the hopes of a simple solution to my power supply needs, even if temporary.  Using a 1Amp wall wart, I get power to all the pedals and.....hummmmmmmmm.  Two are OK, but thats it. 

Until I build the Spyder...or buy a $169 Voodoo 2 :icon_eek: can I use a few of these transformers to isolate the one transformer output into several 9v supplys?  I was thinking of just cutting into the lines and putting 5 of these transformers between the 9v wall wart and the stompboxes.

Be gentle, I'm just starting with this stuff and putting my ignorant neck on the block.  Don't drop the axe!
