How I repaired the on/off switch on a TS-9 RI

Started by Paul Corusoe, February 23, 2007, 12:19:25 PM

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Paul Corusoe

This is my first effort to add to this forum instead of taking away so...
My friend has a reissue TS-9 that was beat to hell. The on/off switch would work about every 20th time you pushed it. I did find an available switch at smallbear for .54 or so but I wanted it fixed now and was wanting to see how it ticked.
1)Peel back foam in battery compartment.
2)Remove the two screws holding down the switch.
3)Remove the spring.
4)Using a razor blade and a small flat head screwdriver Gently pry up one edge of the metal peice holding down the button.
5) Repeat prying up on two more corners. You want it so that the square metal piece with the hole in the center can swivel on one of the plastic retainers.
6)Swivel the metal piece away from the assembly, the rubber button will fall out so catch it.
7)There will be a clear plastic covering over the metal contact. Gently cut around the edge cutting a half circle. Don't cut it off.
8)Peel the clear plastic back on to itself exposing the metal contact.
9)Hold the assembly upside down or sideways to get the metal contact to lean onto the clear plastic.
10)Using a Q-tip with a little Deoxit on it wipe the inside of the metal contacts.
11)Fold the clear plastic back down.
12)Replace the button and swivel the metal retainer back into place.
13)Sqeeze the edges with needle nose pliers and the metal retainer and the assembly should snap back into place (mine did).
14)Attach the spring, replace the switch and jam.

I hope folks wont find this silly, I have seen where these aren't repairable and I wanted to share that it can be done pretty easily. I hope this helps some one!


Hadn't it been a lot easier to replace the 35 cent switch? ;)
More stuff, less fear, less  hassle and less censoring? How 'bout it??. To discuss what YOU want to discuss instead of what others decide for you. It's possible...

But not at regrettably

Paul Corusoe

Well I aint got much to give but I'm willing to give it. :icon_biggrin: