hooking pedals on oscilloscope-what's the value of input signal?

Started by phaseman, February 22, 2007, 08:19:17 PM

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 I intent to hook some my pedals on osciloscope...

I am to use function generator for the input signal, right?
What would be the value of AC voltage? About 4mV?
And the frequency? 1kHz? 



I suspect you'll want more like 100 mv peak-to- peak. Hook your guitar up to the scope and see wha it puts out! Frequency is kinda optional, I generally use 400 hz.
More dynamics????? I'm playing as loud as I can!


the highest output from a guitar pickup, which is just when it strummed can range from 0.5V to 1V (or even more) depending on how powerfull the pickups are
it then rather quickly drops under that range, around 100mV (just hook up your funtion generator to your amp and mess around until its as loud as your guitar)

and most of the things coming out of a guitar are going to be between 100hz and 1000hz for the base of the sound


Thank you people!
Now I what to do, or try.
This will be very interesting for me....
Think I'll take some pics. If so, I'll post them.
