DOD supra dist mods

Started by sonic tooth, March 12, 2007, 06:35:31 PM

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sonic tooth

i don't like my DOD FX-55B supra distortion sound
can anybody show me links or advices for some mod?



 You don't? I liked the one I had. Taste can be a funny thing though...

If you could describe what it is ya don't like there's a good possibility that we could suggest some mods... even if there were a page devoted to modding this pedal, there's a good chance that it might wind up being even more of whatever it is that ya don't like.

Too shrill? Too bassy? Too much distortion? Not enough? Tone knob not what ya want?

Help us so we can help you.

I think the schematic is on the freeinfosociety page...
I am not responsible for your imagination.


  What isn't it doing?...etc.
 See if you can source a schematic, it probably has clipping diodes and a voicing cap, those values are a good place to start change in clipping diode threshold will make it sound different, you could even splice a small resistor in at one end of the diodes/cap.
 I'd read up at GEO and ROG and AMZ and..look at the 1 transistor articles, see what is being changed and what that's supposed to do, these changes will closely translate to changes in other circuit:
 Coupling caps [in series with Signal Path, block DC and rolloff lows?]
 LP Filter caps [from SP To ground]
 Diode types/configurations [threshold voltage mods in clipping elements]
 A change in input cap value can pass all lower source frequencies, or, 'accentuate' the treble [cut bass is accurate], depending on value, smaller value=low frequencies begin getting rolled off at a higher frequency [less bass gets in the circuit].
  Here's a non intrusive good one, and will tell you lots about modding etc., build a booster to drive the input of your distorter harder by hitting the diodes with more voltage, then revoice it.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

sonic tooth

my supra is simply "fuzzish" (not dist at all, to my ear),
it seems to blend dist and clean tone if the dist knob is lower than 2:00 o'clock,
has not bass response and it's very noisy...

i would rather have tips to make it less fuzz, much more distortion or raged-overdrive
as high level gain drive amp channels...