Phaseur Fleur Mods

Started by BRingoC, March 21, 2007, 02:00:16 PM

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I have built the phaseur fleur and am attempting to get the two mods for the lfo working, the main section of it works fine, creating the phase as it should. I have hooked up the mods as indicated with no change in the main lfo.  the  'to Modulate Main' lfo is working itself, the led and indicator led both work, and the cds i used for the mod is the same as i used on the main lfo.  Has anyone had this problem and successfully hooked this up?  Am I simply not understanding the instructions on hooking up the wires, ie, as i understand it, i am to run wires to both indicated locations without removing any traces on the main board?
Since when is 3/4 of the way up "cranked"?