Highway 89 Schematic/Message From Doug

Started by mcasey1, March 30, 2007, 07:58:07 PM

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I recieved this email from Doug Hammond.

I no longer participate in diy electronics, so this is
the last Highway 89 schematic I'm handing out.

For everyone on the forum:

Feel free to PM, email, or otherwise share the
schematics with each other.

The Highway 89 has an impedance-scaled tone stack
based on the Dr. Z "Route 66" amplifier (hence the
"highway" name). In deference to Dr. Z, I did not want
to post the schematic. At this point in time it may
not make much difference as I've seen many Route 66
derivative amp schematics posted since, over the
years. So I leave that up to your collective
judgement, whether you want to post the schematic or
not. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I was never
protecting "my" part of the design- it's a DIY project
and I expect people to copy and use it.

However, I'm not going to respond to any more email
requests for it as I'm busy with other stuff now.

Feel free to share this message with everyone on the

Thanks for your interest,


-So, should I post the schematic?


I'd probably say don't post it, just for the mystery and added mojo that having to seek out the schematic creates.
Doesn't really matter though cos it's already been posted in another thread.


I will update my vero with the schem and part numbers

incidently - mcasey1 did you build it from my vero? how did you find it?

