attempting ts-808 layout.. question on circuit stage

Started by jlullo, April 07, 2007, 10:27:39 PM

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hey guys,
i am attempting a ts808 layout from R.G.'s schem.  Since I don't need to incorporate the "switching" stage, would i omit the 0.1uf cap at the input buffer, and then connect the 510k resistor in the output buffer to lug number 1 of the tone pot in the tone and volume stage?

does this make any sense?



Yeah just leave out the 0.1uF cap in the input buffer stage. To hook up the "tone and volume" and "output buffer" just connect them up like shown in R.G's schematics. So where it says "to bypass switch" goes to where it says "from bypass switch". In other words just connect the centre lug of the level control to the 0.1uF cap in the output buffer.
Or just leave out the input and output buffers completely and build the son of screamer, unless you really must have all the TS808 mojo you probably wont notice any difference.


thanks, slacker!  that's just what i needed to know