good UK electronics text

Started by Paul Perry (Frostwave), April 19, 2007, 10:50:37 AM

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Paul Perry (Frostwave)

"A Pracxtical Introduction to Electronic Circuits" Martin Hartley Jones
Cambridge University Press 3ed 1995

Pretty basic, contains actual circuits (no actual projects, but actual BC109 & LM471 examples, power supplies etc etc). I expect the earlier editions would be OK too. It's available cheap in the US (around $30) sometimes as a remainder also. I would have put it at high school level myself, certainly you don't need advanced maths, & it is in a pretty conversational style.


May have to pick up a copy!

Being a high school student in the Uk who wants to understand things a lot better, this is right up my street!

Many thanks Paul!

Below is a link to it on amazon: only £14 if you look in the new and used section!

Are there any other books that a worth checking out?

Many Thanks